Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Starting Over

Well im starting the blog stuff over cause i lost my password for the otherone.
Well feeling pretty nervous, tomorrow starts the change of the new me. Doctor told me to lose weight and lose weight now.
Well starting july 1st Meagan and I will be starting the change. I need help, i wake ever morning hurting, and disgusted at myself.

First off i am cutting back on soda consumpton(wont say stopping ). Two no more snack foods at work. Three since i do have the bad joints and stuff, the pool is now my friend.

Trying to kill two birds with one stone so everytime i think i need to eat, practicing the guitar.

So please all follow me cause i need all the support i can get.


David(very overweight uncle of two) Dekle


Mom to 4 boys said...

David & Meg,
The hardest part of this journey is making the decision to do it. The next hardest part is following can do it! Both of you can. Its something you have to want really bad, and I know you do. Keep at it, look for family and friends for support. Find what works best for you! Good luck guys can't wait to see your progress!

MirandaLea said...

You can do it! It's not easy, but it's sooo worth it. I'm by no means an expert, but I'll help any way i can.