Saturday, July 3, 2010

second time

well weighed today, at wrong time but still weighed. 288.2. hope that keeps up. but im so hungery, try to pick up guitar to take my mined off but fingers hurting, so cant play as long as i wont but im still struming. been taking a water pill have noticed joints aint hurting as bad. lter for now.


1 comment:

Mom to 4 boys said...

Dave, try drinking a glass of water to see if your truely hungry, or if its head hunger. Your head could be playing games. If its true hunger, have a small snack like an apple and peanut butter, or string cheese....somethiing high in protein to keep you full till your next meal. Don't starve yourself, it will have a negative effect! Your doing great!!! 12lbs in less than a week!!!